N1ED Blog

What's new in N1ED 2020.3

24 March 2020

Multiple configurations

Use independent editor configurations on different websites or share configuration between websites. Now you can do it using multiple API keys available to create in your Dashboard.

Each configuration has its own unique API key and stores its own set of custom templates you define and preferences you set. One API key can be used on one or more websites.

Creating new API key
Create custom row template

Custom Bootstrap block templates

All Bootstrap Editor users now can visually create and save some block as their template. Bootstrap Editor will automatically generate a screenshot for them!

Just create some Bootstrap container and press Create template button with a star icon. Bootstrap Editor will create a preview for this block and send it to CDN to store it in the configuration. Since this moment you can insert this block into your page. You can update this block template using the same way: notice filled star icon indicating this block was created from a custom template.

Joomla extension

Install N1ED EcoSystem into Joomla 3 and use it to edit articles. N1ED will be integrated with standard Joomla tools like file storage or feature to insert a link to an article. Learn more »

Edit article in Joomla with N1ED
Edit article in Drupal

Drupal 8 module update

All the configurations are stored on the CDN and you can share them between websites. Also now you can enable or disable N1ED for different Text Formats (i. e. turn it off for CKEditor used in comments).

And we simplified the installation process for those who use many different plugins. Now only one module (N1ED) is required for installation in your Drupal: it will load all dependencies like File Manager or Bootstrap Editor automatically as it set in your control panel. Learn more »

TinyMCE 4 support

Now we support v4 of TinyMCE like TinyMCE 5 and CKEditor 4. We still advise to update to v5, but if your CMS (like Magento) does not support this, you can stay with TinyMCE 4 and use N1ED & co.

TinyMCE 4 support

See full changelog »