Install Flmngr file manager server side on PHP

In order to let your Flmngr file manager dialog to list files, upload and modify them on the server, you need to install Flmngr backend to add such support to your server.

Users who use CMS integrations like Drupal, Joomla, Prestashop already have backend installed and configured. Users of custom integrations (when you install JS snippet or CKEditor or TinyMCE plugin) need to integrate the file manager backend to their CMS or framework manually.

PHP server

Node server


File manager configuration

There are various methods for setting up Flmngr, depending on the specific goal you want to achieve. Primarily, you have access to visual configuration options for Flmngr. This approach is both the default and the recommended way to set up your HTML editor. In the majority of situations, this method is sufficient to customize all the preferences according to your requirements.

Additionally, there are instances where you might need to configure Flmngr programmatically. For this purpose, you can utilize the configuration formats of CKEditor or TinyMCE, incorporating specialized Flmngr keys into them. This approach complements the visual configuration preferences and should be employed when you need to override the default configuration.