Install N1ED plugin for CKEditor

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CKEditor 4 with Bootstrap plugin installation The best way to enable Bootstrap (styles, grid, blocks and widgets) in your editor is to install N1ED plugin for CKEditor. The file manager, image editor and other handy tools are also included in this add-on.


Download Plugin

Get N1ED plugin for CKEditor 4:



Unpack the archive with the plugin into the CKEditor plugins/ folder:


Download CKEditor 4 of the latest free version (4.22) if you are starting from scratch.
Bonus: See the SAMPLES folder to instanly run N1ED and inspect the example code.


Enable Plugin

Enable the N1ED add-on in the config:

Edit config.js
In your code (alternative)
CKEDITOR.editorConfig = function(config) {
    config.extraPlugins = "N1ED-editor"; = "n1theme";                   // N1ED's own theme for CKEditor
    config.removePlugins = "iframe,magicline"; // N1ED has better support of this

    // Get your own key then
    config.apiKey = "N1ED24RR1234123412341234";
CKEDITOR.replace("editorId", {
    extraPlugins: "N1ED-editor",
    skin: "n1theme",                   // N1ED's own theme for CKEditor
    removePlugins: "iframe,magicline", // N1ED has better support of this

    // Get your own key then
    apiKey: "N1ED24RR1234123412341234",

Please avoid using spaces in extraPlugins if you have another plugins enabled. Use comma only as a separator.

The N1ED plugin is fully functional after this step. Next, you will need to link your file storage by installing the file manager backend on your server.


Install backend

Now you need to install the file manager server-side script on your server to enable file manager functionalities in your editor. Follow the instructions provided in the link to complete the setup.

Ready to use